Book Release, My Brother’s Shot by Y.R. Spence

June 8, 2021

We are excited to announce the new book by Y.R. Spence “My Brother’s Shot: The Boy to Man Handbook for Navigating The Teen Years”

TODAY ONLY, the Kindle eBook is only $0.99 cents. Head over to Amazon and order your eBook for yourself or a friend. Hurry before the price goes back to the regular price.

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My Brother’s Shot is a guidebook for teen boys filled with advice statements, short stories, and biblical quotes from a parent who wishes to share invaluable information with one of society’s most vulnerable demographics, teens of color, who might not otherwise have the same advantages as others. My Brother’s Shot offers direct, yet loving advice on a variety of topics, including: 

  • Family
  • Romance
  • Finance
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Friends
  • and much more

Author Y.R. Spence feels strongly about reaching these young men with lessons he’s learned to assist them in becoming the best man they can be and achieve more in life than they thought possible. As young men transition from boys to men, this small handbook can help direct teenage boys through some of life’s most challenging situations and give seasoned information to help them make more positive and healthy choices in all areas of their life.


For the last 30 years, Y.R. Spence has worked as a certified life and relationship consultant, helping individuals and businesses with financial, personal, and relationship growth. As a life coach, he has assisted hundreds of individuals restore broken relationships, as well as become a better version of themselves. Spence is the author of My Brother’s Shot: The Boy to Man Handbook for Navigating the Teen Years. In addition to working as a life coach, Spence is the founder and president of Malian Investment Group LLC, which has holdings in tech start-ups and franchises.

Spence’s background in cognitive behavioral therapy and rational emotive therapy has enabled him to become a sought-after coach in the Houston area. Spence’s expertise in helping Multimillion-dollar business owners increase their profit year after year, only adds to an already expansive resume.  He has been married to his wife Patricia for the last 27 years. Together they have two children, Malkia and Sebastian, and a dog, Winnie. Spence is a true foodie. When he is not working with his clients, he enjoys boiled crawfish when in season and barbeque all the time. Both Spence and his wife are still on the quest for the ultimate crab cakes. 

Click Here to get your copy for only .99 cents today.

PS – It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.

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